- Annual Conference (PANCONF) of Paediatricians and stakeholders in child health.The venue of PANCONF rotates round the country. The forum presents opportunity
- to highlight child health issues
- to exchange and update information through presentation of research data and reviews on child health matters
- to discuss policies and programmes that affect children
- for networking between Nigerian Paediatricians, policy makers, international agencies and other stakeholders in child health towards the achievement of improved care for children.
- The Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics (NJP)
The journal is a peer reviewed presentation of research materials and reviews on child health. It generates collated data that should dictate policies and programmes to positively impact on child mortality. - Technical Consultants The association is a member of various technical working groups on child health matters in the country. In this capacity, the association shares technical information with governments, international agencies and other stakeholders to address child health issues.
Capacity Development
- Continuing Medical Education(CME) for doctors and nurses
The association facilitates CME throughout the year, for doctors and nurses in specific areas of concern in child health in the immediate community being served. This also encourages networking among those that care for children in the community which impacts positively on referral network and health care. - Neonatal Resuscitation Programme(NRP)
This CME programme is part of the PAN project, “Scale up of Capacity for Neonatal Care in Nigeria” which aims to improve the institutional care of the newborn in the country. This programme focuses on capacity building of doctors and nurses involved in childbirth as an intervention to address the high neonatal mortality rate in the country - Building Capacities for Child Health
PAN is involved in capacity development of students and institutions for child health in the country and collaborate with other national associations of paediatrics and medical institutions in the evaluation and review of curriculum for undergraduate and postgraduate training in paediatrics and allied professions and specialties in medicine.
PAN is a major resource for the child health issues and in this capacity
- Review policies on child health and sells “position stand” on critical issues.
- Review and interpret National Laws as they affect children.
- Review environmental and climate change as they affect children.
- Sensitise on critical child health issues, such as raising awareness on childhood malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, areas of need in childhood immunization in Nigeria and neglected areas of care in child health such as children with special needs.
- Institutionalise, domesticate and disseminate new updates in child health in Nigeria in the context of Government policy, international instruments of change such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
- Collaborate with other stakeholders as technical consultants for formulation, execution, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for improving child health.