A world where every child is born with equitable and optimal chance to survive, grow and develop.
To influence all policies and programmes that impact on the wellbeing of every child through advocacy and strategic interventions that promote and protect the survival, growth and development.
The purpose of the Paediatric association of Nigeria is to offer a platform for paediatricians and other professionals to improve health care for children through networking, and collaboration with experts in the field.
PAN is a member of Union of American Paediatric Societies and Associations (UNAPSA), affiliated with International Pediatric Association and collaborates with America Academy of Pediatrics.
The aims and objectives are:
(a) promote and advance the practice and study of paediatrics and child health.
(b) actively seek the well-being and protect the interest of children
(c) safeguard the interest of all the workers in the field of paediatrics and child health
(d) encourage research and dissemination of knowledge in all aspects of paediatrics and child health
(e) foster friendship and co-operation among workers in the field of paediatrics and child health and allied disciplines.
(f) collaborate with government at all levels as well as Associations, multilateral development agencies, companies and organizations in the advancement of child care and development in Nigeria, Africa and globally.
In pursuance of the above objectives, the Association shall
I. Hold an Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference
II. Publish the Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics as its official organ
III. Maintain membership of the International Paediatric Association UNAPSA and other relevant medical associations
IV. Organize and or participate in any other programmes that will promote the aforesaid objectives
V. Partner with associations, multilateral development agencies, companies and organizations in the advancement of child care and development in Nigeria, Africa and Globally.