Guidelines to PANConf 2025 Abstract Submission

The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit their abstracts. All the abstracts accepted will be displayed as posters or rapid-fire presentations.
Kindly note that you MUST be a registered participant to be enabled to Present a paper at our conference

Key Dates

Abstract submission begins

1st September - 31st October, 2024

Extended Submission Deadline

15th December, 2024

Abstract Submission Guide

  • Title: Not more than 20 words
  •  Authors: Surname first, then initials. Include all authors in their order of contribution Include the name and address of the institutions where the work was done.
  •  Presenter/corresponding author: Underline the name of the presenter; specify the designation as Consultant, Senior registrar, Registrar, Medical officer, Nurse, etc. Include the email address of the corresponding author
  •  Choose the abstract category: neonatology, cardiology, nephrology, infectious disease, endocrinology, pulmonology, neurology, hematology & oncology, etc
  • Preferred format: oral, poster or both
  • Abstract should be structured as follows: Introduction and aims; Methods; Results; Conclusion
  • Word count: maximum 250 excluding the title and authors’ names

 NB: The presenting author must register to attend PANConf 2025

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